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1.84sMan, I can't wait to get a Mercedes.
1.05sMe, either.
1.5sYeah, it's gonna be sweet.
1.6sWhoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
1.8s- What the hell is that? - A sun hat.
1.27sNo, no, no, no, no.
1.27sWhat do you mean, "no"?
1.83sI'm protecting my face and neck from the sun.
2.74sUse sunscreen! You don't need to put a circus on your head.
1.54sThis is a ploy for attention.
2.3sSunscreens are bad for you. The chemicals get in your skin.
1.53sBoy, you really want to wear that hat.
1.17sThat hat's coming off!
1.07sYou guys are jerks.
2.42sI can have my own identity besides you two.
2.1sNot this way, not the hat way.
2.6sHoly crap! I think we got one!
1.53sAw, damn it! It's just a dolphin.
1.77s(IN BRITISH ACCENT) Sorry, did I get in the way of something?
1.27sNo, it's all right.
2.13sWe were just trying to get some of them sunken Mercedes.
2.6sOh, yeah, there's a great big pile of them down there.
1.13sMe and my mates, right,
1.95swe was having a laugh sitting in of one of them,
3.3spretending to be people. (CHUCKLES) You know, like, driving around,