3.15sLook at that, Brian. Cleveland is back living across the street.
2sCleveland left Quahog quite some time ago,
2.3syet we only just recently entered reverse time.
1.73sSo what does that mean?
2.67sWell, it suggests that time may not simply be flowing backwards,
1.7sit may, in fact, be accelerating.
1.75sAccelerating? Why would that be happening?
1.53sI'm not sure.
2.3sHave you ever heard of a phenomenon called time dilation, Brian?
1sSure. No, you haven't.
1.54sTime dilation, in forward time,
4.54sis a phenomenon caused by a variety of factors in which time moves more slowly.
4.34sIn reverse time, it stands to reason that the same phenomenon would cause time to accelerate.
4.04sI'll have to consult my quantum calculations to try to isolate the factors responsible.