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3.14sThese '50s diners were very popular in the '80s.
1.87sBoy, am I going to enjoy this meal.
3.8sNot like last night when I didn't have time to poop before the guests arrived.
2.24sDo I have time? You know what? I'm going to go for it.
3.47s(DOORBELL RINGS) Son of a bitch! Looks like I'm gonna have to pile dinner on top of that.
2.97sHey, guys! How are you?
3.47sLook at this place. They don't serve any of this 1950s food anymore,
2.9shamburgers, French fries, Cokes.
2.94s(CHUCKLING) You kids don't know what I'm talking about.
3.64sI love how all the servers look like celebrities from the '50s.
3.54sMarilyn Monroe, Elvis,
2.64sand look, there's James Dean after the accident.
3.24sLet me tell you about tonight's specials.
2.6sOh, look, Cleveland finally made it.
1.17sOh, hey there, Griffins.
4.14s(BARKING) CLEVELAND: Oh, that takes me back.