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3.37sCome on, guys, let's head over to my crib.
1.57sHey, you guys mind scooting over a little bit?
2.97sOoh. Sorry, Peter, doesn't look like there's any room.
1.63sWhat... What do you mean?
1.5sWell, there's only one space left,
1.57sand I promised it to that cow.
1.37sThis is gonna be so much fun!
5.7sI'm gonna stick my head out the sunroof and wave my arms and go, "Whoo! I'm in Hollywood!"
1.87s(WHOOPING) I'm in Hollywood! See? I said I'd do it!
1.3sPeter, would you put that thing away?
1.4sWe're trying to eat dinner.
2.1sI can't believe fucking Jesus hasn't called me back.
1.94sI left him a message, like, four hours ago.
1.94sWell, maybe he doesn't have his phone with him.
2.67sNo, no, it rang twice, and then the voicemail picked up.
2.73sIf it had gone straight to voicemail, that means the phone was off.
2.44sIf it rang, like, six times, that means he didn't hear it.
1.5sBut it rang twice, Lois.
2.2sThat means the phone rang, he saw it was me,
2.53sand then he pressed a button and sent it straight to voicemail.