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3.4sSince you got stood up, I thought this might cheer you up a notch.
1.52sThat's not necessary.
4.97sWhat day is today? It's Leela's birthday Please stop.
5.14sWhat a day for a birthday I really would like you to stop singing.
4.95s...cake! You want to buy a slice of birthday cake for $11.95?
1.22sYes, please.
1.8sOoh, nice cake. Sorry, I'm late.
2.55sWhere have you... It's fine.
1.95sYou're not mad? I was.
4.9sBut then I realized it's actually my fault for thinking you might be on time for once.
2.25sAnyhow, I ate both our lunches.
2.17sYou ordered the lobster pileup.
1.2sIt wasn't cheap.