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2.04sWhile you await your "friend,"
3.95sallow me to read from a prepared history of our cavern.
5.87s"These unique rock formations "were created over millions of years by mineral-rich water,
2.22s"dripping from pores in the ceiling.
4.32s"Dripping and dripping, year upon year,
3.17s"century upon century..."
5.55sWhat day is today? Hey, aren't you the loser who got stood up at my other restaurant?
2.23sJust shut up and bring me two dinners.
3.62sHas anyone seen Fry's ass? It's late for a date with my boot.
1.8sFry's not here.
3.54sObviously, he went to that pervert party with Bender and the professor.
1.84sFry went to the party?
6.76sLINDA: We interrupt Hypnotoad On Ice to bring you breaking coverage of the disaster at Hedonismbot's bachelor party.
9.98s(ALL GASP) Linda, what began as innocent fun ended in tragedy tonight when a nuclear-powered robot stripper suffered a catastrophic reactor meltdown.