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2.52s(SOBS) Thank you for coming.
3.24sYou know, without your mother, the sewer's a dank and dismal place.
2.17sDad, we need to talk.
1.07sMom is...
2.32sWell, she's seeing someone else.
1.7sWho is it, Mouth Mutant?
2.25sI ought to punch him right in his big mouth.
1.53sAnd then in all his smaller mouths!
1.18sNo, no, listen.
2.12sIt's time to get on with your life.
2.17s(SNIFFLES) But she was my life.
2.32sHey, what about your lifelong dream?
2.67sDidn't you always want to surf the world's greatest sewers?
3sYeah, and Fry and Bender can go with you.
2.05sYou can teach them how to surf,
1.57sand they can make sure you don't... (MIMICS CORK POPPING)
6.19s(GURGLING) (GIBBERING) (MIMICS GUNSHOT) I don't know. Would you come, too, sweetie?