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3.1sI bet you Leela's holding out for a nice guy with one eye.
0.92sThat'll take forever.
4.45sWhat she ought to do is find a nice guy with two eyes and poke one out.
1.9sYeah. That'd be a time-saver.
0.92sDo you mind?
1.23sHere you go.
1.75sYou can use this as an eye poker.
3.27sThank you, but I don't care how many eyes a man has.
1.35sAs long as it's less than five.
5.29sAll I'm looking for is a guy who's adventurous, self-confident maybe a snappy dresser.
3.9sThese new uniforms are pretty snappy, eh, First Officer?
1.32sI suppose, Captain.
2.67sI'm not as big a fan of velour as you are.
3.45sNow, what do you want to do about that unidentified ship?
1.53sDestroy them.
2.3sthat's got a nice feel to it.
3.54sCaptain's journal: Stardate 3000.3.
2.1sWho are you talking to, sir?
2.23sAren't you getting this?
5.96sWe've detected a vessel attempting to break the security cordon around Vergon 6.