3.33sSir, put the gun down and step away from Mr. Pibbles!
1.76s- Jerry!
- Dad, what are you doing?!
2.06sI'm a good person. I'm a good person.
1.93sWhere did he get a gun? Who gave him a gun?
2.43sThat's not a gun. That's the XP-20 XS,
1.23sOh, my god,
1.49sMAN: Hey, how’s it going?
1.83sThis is my butthole ice cream parlor.
2.43si got all kinds of ice cream -- peanut butter and jelly, . .
1.47sf farts f
.... vanilla...
1.3s. . . . chocolate. . .
1.66sf farts f
and every flavor
1.37sserved out of a butthole. ..
0.51sjust like you 're back home.
1.02s- Dad!
- Dad!
2.09sWhat happened? Where am l?
1.52sWas it all a dream?
1.8sNo, you were shot like 50 times.