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1.7sThat's it, I'm calling security.
6.53sAll right, okay, now we're in the quiet safe room where none ofthe people whose stuff I stole can get to us,
1.99sNow, let's look at all the stuff we got.
2.53sWe got a bag of bobbish.
2.49sThat's eight brapples.
1.7sWe got a plumbus.
2.49sThat's 6 1/2 brapples.
3.16sWe got, uh, a -- crushed red party cups,
1.97s15 1/2 brapples.
2.03sWelcome back to "Funny Songs."
1.8sIt's all improvised. It's very funny.
2.2sI need a volunteer from the audience.
2.13sUm, longtime fan ofthe show. Uh --
2.4sWhat do you do? What's your profession?
2.06sI am a tax attorney.
2.47sOkay, here we go. Hit -- Hit the music.
3.53sJ, I'm a tax attorney J,
1.59sJ, Oh, geez, oh J,
1.93sJ, Forget about everybody else J,