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6.24sMr. Pibbles, you just wrote my penis a one-way ticket to staying on my body town.
3.7sANNC)UNCER: it’s the opposite news with Michael Thompson.
2.06sHey, everybody, it’s me, Michael Thompson.
2.8sToday the Pope didn 't get killed.
3.13sHe's perfectly fine. And he's on vacation in Aruba.
1.93sin other opposite news, information. . .
1.76sHey, Rick, what's the deal with this guy?
3.9sW-Why is his body, like, sloping off to the right side ofthe screen like that?
1.76sI don't know, Marty, See what else is on, huh?
1.97sHey, weicome to "Cooking Things. "
1.3si 'm Pichaei Thompson.
1.19sHey, wait a minute, Rick.
2.93sThis guy's body is, like, sloping down and leaning off to screen left.
1.66sOh, my god, and his name's Pichael.
1.59si 'm cooking a iittie bit of this.
1.52si 'm gonna cook a iittie bit of that,
2.59sOh, oh, hey! Stop tugging, Michael!
1.33sOh, my god! Siamese twins!
1.63sThey're -- They're Siamese twins!
2.13sYou quit tugging, i-i’m in the middle of my news.
1.87sOh, oh, " always about you, isn 't it?
2.09sCan you believe this guy, ladies and gentlemen?
2.4sHe's got his own news show, He's got a normal name.
0.02sHey, flip back to the news.
1.85sOh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
1.93sYou could tell our parents started with naming with him.