2.14sOur speed bumps are stronger too.
3.67si don't know, Simpson. How do i know you didn't cut your own brakes?
0.45sWhy would I do that?
2.2sI don't know.
2.35sGet some attention from a handsome police officer.
0.4sThat's crazy!
4.37sLook, I know I don't have any proof. But this woman is trying to kill me!
3.62sFine. Let me tell you what I tell everybody who comes in here.
1.9sThe law is powerless to help you.
2.85sDo I have to be dead before you'll help me?
2.29sWell, not dead. Dying.
2.07sNo, no, no, no. Don't walk away. How 'bout this?
2.8sjust show me the knife, in your back, not too deep,