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4.34sAn idea is subtly implanted in your head without your knowing it.
2.57sThat's a load of rich creamery butter.
2.4sYou listen to tapes while you sleep.
5.51sAs you hear New Age music a powerful message goes to your brain telling you to eat less.
2.85sLose weight and listen to New Age music? Wow.
1.9sWhat do you think, Marge?
3.72sOh, Homer, I love you just the way you are.
1.75sLisa, what's that number?
2.95sI'd like to place an order for my husband.
5.64sWould he like to lose weight, stop smoking learn the state capitals, master hostage negotiations..?
3.57sHmm... hostage negotiations.
3.85sListen, Tabbouleh, we're ignoring all your demands.
1.75sWhat do you say to that?