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4.37sAs his father, I think you should have a frank and earthy discussion about...
1.95syou know.
2.9sBut, Marge, I think he should learn about it the same way I did.
2.05sAre you sure?
2.82sZookeeper! Zookeeper!
2.04sThose two monkeys are killing each other!
2.62s- They're having sex. - Oh?
3.87sMaybe you're right. Now, if you'll excuse us,
3.3sthis is a sacred moment between a boy and his father.
4.75sSon, a woman is a lot like, um,
1.47sa refrigerator.
3.14sThey're about six feet tall, 300 pounds.
2.23sThey make ice and--
4.19sOh, wait a minute. Actually, a woman is more like a beer.