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1.75sso, What do you call this device, Paul?
1.07sIt's an iron lung.
1.33sIt keeps me from dying.
1.97sI want to play baseball!
3.4sAnd With me is one of Paul's classmates, Chris Griffin,
2.64sWho helped organize this charity event.
2.15sYou're a very thoughtful young man, Chris.
1.4sCan I say hello to my mom?
1.15sHi, Mom!
1.55sHi, sweetheart!
2.77sOk, so, you want the full wash and, uh,
2.34soh, You've got a nick there. I can get that out for you.
1.67sNow, if you want to go with a scent,
3.64sI've got P.B. and J., Sugar Cereal, and New Toy.
1.52sWhat the deuce?
1.8sHey, Somebody dropped a money clip.
2.33sI've never seen so much money at one time!
1.73sWhat do you think we should we do with it?
3.77sI say we buy $26 worth of ice cream and just pig out.
2sOh, We can dish, talk about who's getting fat.
2.13sOh, We'll just be great big bitches.
2.33sHold on, kids. That's not your money yet.