1.24sNo, no, no...
1.83sLook what the Lynches gave us.
3.64sA needlepoint of Chuck Norris from Walker, Texas Ranger.
1.9sYou know, they say Chuck Norris is so tough,
2.07sthere's no chin under his beard.
1.97sThere is only another fist.
3.64sYou know, this place may be the upside to everything that's happened.
1.67sThe people are kind and generous.
1.8sThey seem wholesome and moral,
2.94sexactly the kind of influence this family needs.
3.3sLois, we're living in a red state with a bunch of right-wing nut jobs.
1.43sHey, Chris, check out my belt buckle.
2.64sIt says, "Everything's bigger in Texas."
4.77s(LAUGHING) Belts are a great way to express opinions.