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2.24sOh, You take that back, Macho Man Randy Savage!
3.22sOh, Don't he make you so mad - you just want to go down there and hit him? No.
1.57sWell, maybe not him 'cause he's kind of big.
1.99sBut don't you want to hit the guy sitting next to you?
1.47sWell, Not him 'cause he's kind of big, too.
1.87sBut don't you want to hit his kid?
2.54sTake that, Macho Man Randy Savage. You jerk.
4.09sAll right, Cleveland. If this doesn't light a fire in your belly, nothing will.
1.58sHey, look at me. I'm Quagmire.
1.69sI had sex with your wife.
3.27sThose are so his mannerisms.
2.84sPeter, what the hell are you doing? I'm not Peter, I'm Quagmire.
1.8sAnd I'm doing you, Loretta. What the hell?
1.47sOh, You like that? Yeah. Hey!
1.85sMuch better than Cleveland. Hey, Peter, knock it off!
2.6sGet you damn hands off me you son of A-- You like it dirty, don't you?
1.33sEasy girl. What the hell are you doing?
1.73sWhat is that in your pocket? Quagmire's got you.
1.97sLois! Somebody! Yeah, Yeah.
1.73sGlenn Quagmire,
2.14syou're dead!