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1.7sDo clones even have birthdays?
2.1sUm, duh!
1.83sDuh, what?
2.3sDad, do I have a birthday?
4.2sHmm. You didn't have a birth, so, technically, no.
3.24sOh, don't feel bad.
3.69sWe can celebrate the day I extracted you from the cloning tank.
4.5sOr the day I scraped your D.N.A. from that growth on my back.
0.5sOoh! That one!
1.64sAhhh, yes.
2.67sIt was 13 years ago next week.
2.47sI used this very fork.
3.42sOh, well, isn't that-- Ugh!
2.02sHey! Next week will be my birthday too!
2sThat's true! If only there were a way...
2.54sto have one party for both of you here at the office,
2.2sthen write it off as a business expense.
2.82sWait! I thought of a way! The way I just said!
2.2sYeah! Way to go, Pops!
2.84sSomething's happening on television!