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2.72sLooks like He freed the beast all over the back of Peter's head.
1.23sOh, My God.
2.2sThis is my fault. This is my fault.
2.27sI brought violence into this house!
2.04sI am the worst mother in the world!
3.04sAh-ha! I got it all on tape!
3.64sOk. Um, This is me interviewing Ed Sullivan.
1.87sW-What's new, Ed?
3.9sWEll, Stewie, tonight We have a really big show.
3.1sOk. Ok. And now a word from our sponsors.
1.77sIt takes a very steady hand.
1.07sDon't touch the sides.
2.27sButter fingers.
2.64sI--I was making radio shows for fun.
2.87sE-e-Everybody does it. E-Everybody I know--
1.23sShut up!
5.52sNow, Stewart, I want you to take this Mommy doll and this Daddy doll and show me how they act together.
2.2sOh, Yes. Very well. All right.
1.13s"You see, Margaret.
1.77s"After 20 odd years of marriage,
2.04s"your curious indiscretions no longer phase me."