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6.84s(GASPS) (GUNSHOT) Kiss my grits, you cheap dime-store hood.
2.4sThis ain't over, Lachance.
1.27sI mean, you have a gun right now.
3.54sBut tomorrow I'll get a gun and come to your house and kill you.
3.1sOh. Yeah, I guess you could do that, huh?
1.5sI mean, we live in the same town.
2.94sAnd I can't just be on my guard for the rest of my life.
2.97sBoy, that is a major hole in this story. Okay, take the body.
2.27sDREYFUSS: We never forgot that wonderful summer.
2.64sAnd eventually we all went our separate ways.
9.34sJoey learned to live without the use of his legs and even went on to create a wheelchair-type rugby game called Don't Feel Sorry For Us Ball.