3.14sPeople of Quahog, I have something to say.
3.42sNow that we've freed ourselves from the terrible shackles of government,
1.97sit's time to replace it with something better.
6.94s(ALL GRUMBLING) The first thing we need is a system of rules that everyone must live by.
1.99sAnd since we can't spend all our time making rules,
2.69sI think that we should elect some people to represent us,
2.57sand they should make rules and choices on our behalf.
2.59sNow, this may be kind of expensive, so I got a plan.
3.37sEveryone should have to give some money from their salaries each year.
1.72sPoor people will give a little bit of money,
2sand rich people will give a larger amount of money,