1.97sJerry Smith is a scientist from Earth,
3.44swhere he's creating a model of our solar system.
3.27sJerry, tell Pluto about your decision.
2.56sUm... Pluto's a planet.
2.9sPluto's a fucking planet, bitch!
3.46sOh, man. This is definitely gonna go to his head.
3.6sIf it's athletic prowess you desire, Principal Vagina,
1.8sI might --
I'll take it,
0.97sB-But I haven't even --
1.02sThank you very, very much.
2.13sGreat store. Great place. Bye.
1.83sHuh. Okay.
4.23sI must say, Summer, lthought your grandfather's outburst would have disrupted business,