1.59sWell, that's retarded.
1.12sWhat are you talking about?
0.68sApparently, nothing.
1.99sYou asked him if Pluto's a planet, didn't you?
0.92sIt's not.
0.03sShut up, Rick.
1.59sI don't care what anyone says.
2.76sIf it can be a planet, it can be a planet again.
2.87sPlanet. Planet, planet, planet.
2.43sStay scientific, Jerry.
1.93sThis aftershave made women want me,
1.9sbut it also made me impotent!
2.66sA price for everything, Mr. Goldenfold.
2.26sA price for everything.
2.3sOh, my god!
2.63sHow could I not see this coming?!
3.7sMy lust!