1.7sYou're a genius at that.
3.49sThat's... humbling and flattering, son.
1.93sThank you.
2.26sWhat say we finish ourselves an eight-planet solar system?
4.37sUm... I'm just gonna take this thing in and get an "A."
1.56sYou're a genius...
1.09sat being my Dad, Dad.
1.26sQuit while you're ahead.
1.63sAnd also, knock next time, you know?
1.43sI mean, I'm sitting in here, I'm 14 --
1.56sI got a computer in here, you know?
1.73sOh, I -- I think I understand.
2.97sYou're really playing with fire when you burst in here like that, man.
1.47sI get it. Say no more.
1.47sI mean, one ofthese days,
1.7syou know, you're gonna end up seeing something.
2.3sI got it! Noted. Good night.