2.04sFire me?
3.85sThat does it. You can never be my son.
0.63sA little to the left.
2.69sHuh? Oh, very well.
2.54sYou can never be my--
2.84sSir, try to land on Leonard's carcass!
3.15sSon, I know you're upset because you thought you saw us on TV,
2.47ssaying we didn't want you in our family,
3.17sbut those were just actors playing us.
0.42sHow do you know?
3.45sBecause one of them hung out with me for a week, trying to get my character down.
3.24sYeah, me too. That midget taught me a lot about his native Estonia.
3.1sThe point is, the real Simpson family missed you a lot,