2.94s(SHOUTING) Lois, can I have a Pop-Tart in bed, please?
1.73sHey, Chris? (DISTANTLY) Yeah?
2.8sDo you think Lois would be okay if I ate a Pop-Tart in bed?
2.03sProbably. Probably, right?
1.9sWell, Mrs. Griffin, you have three crushed ribs,
1.97sbut I was able to stop the internal bleeding.
2.8sDoctor, this has happened seven times in the last month.
2.67sPeter rolls over in his sleep and almost kills me.
1.23sI see.
1.07sWell, that sucks.
1.43sLook, I don't do it on purpose!
1.78sWell, looks like you got a handle on it, then.
2.92sNo, we don't. He practically smothers me every night.
1.27sWell, are you hogging the blankets?