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0.43sYou're welcome, Mom.
2.17s34 years old.
3.27sTime enough to start over with a new man.
2.1sSomeone who eats with his mouth shut.
0.54sWhat's that, Patty ?
2.3sNothing. Finish your steak.
0.63sLook at him wolf down that gristle.
1.93sIt's an accident waiting to happen.
1.93sDo you know the Heimlich Maneuver ?
1.93sNo. Good.
1.57sI think she likes my present better.
2.1sDoes not. Does not. Does not. Does too. Does too.
3.07sThen how come she's not putting on any of your perfume ?
1.6sYeah. Hey, Mom.
2.57sHow come you're not putting on any of my perfume ?
3.27sWell, I'm saving it for a special occasion.
2.57sWhat the hell are you talking about ? There's gallons of it !
0.23sBart !
2.84sBut this occasion is already so special.
1.57sIf we made it any more special,
2.33swe might end up making it less special.
0.4sGotcha. Told ya she liked mine better.
2.24sOh, brother !
2.03sHold on. Hold on now.