2.54sHappy birthday !
1.97sHuh ? What ?
0.4sHere's your birthday breakfast.
1.91sOh !
3.2sIsn't this nice ?
1.6sMy birthday ? It's my birthday ?
1.31sNo !
2.33sWhat did I get ? I love birthdays.
0.6sNo, Homer, it's mine.
2.71sYou don't even know your own wife's birthday ?
3.54sWell, of course I know. Sure.
2.47sYou really thought I forgot, didn't you ?
1.94sOh, right. What did you get her, Dad ? What did you get ?
3.77sUh, well, a very thoughtful gift.
1.93sBut it's a surprise.
1.97sYou know, it's such a beautiful morning,
3.1sI think I'll take a little stroll around the block.