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1.19sWhat's wrong, Peter?
2.83sIt's nothing, Joe. I don't know.
2.47sIt's just that all you guys have something to be proud of.
3.46sPETER: Quagmire got a key to the city. Mort bowled a perfect game.
2.06sYou're always getting medals for catching crooks.
2.47sHell, even Cleveland used to be an accomplished auctioneer.
3.83sI have 125. Do I hear 130? $130r000 for this authentic Comanche headdress?
3.3sI got 130. Do I hear 135? 140? Do I hear--
2.76s135, going once.
2.7sI'm the only one here who's got nothing, you know?
3.06sIfl die tomorrow, there's nothing people would remember me for.
4.46sNot if you jumped off a skyscraper and landed on Joan Cusack.
4.6sPeople would say, "Hey, remember that guy who landed on Joan Cusack?"
1.87sWell, things are gonna change.
3.4sFrom this day forth, people are gonna know the name Peter Griffin...