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4.5sOh, you! I can't even express how mad I am at you right now.
3.84sIf it wasn't for you, those planes would've hit the World Trade Center.
1.57sBrian, what the hell did you do?
3.8sI, uh, may have told my former self about 9/11.
1.97sWhat did I tell you about altering the past?
1.6sWait, wait, when did you even do that?
2.1sWell, you remember when I said I was going to take a leak?
1.33sBrian, you shouldn't have done that.
2.64sWho knows what unforeseen consequences are awaiting us.
1.97sSaddam Hussein could be President.
2.05sMexico could be the world's dominant super power.
2.33sCookie Monster could have invented Facebook!
1.12sWhat is this?
2.37sLOIS: Brian! Hurry, it's starting!
1.12sGood evening. I'm Tom Tucker.
1.6sAnd I'm Joyce Kinney.
4.64sOur top story, Quahog prepares to unveil a new statue commemorating perhaps its greatest hero ever.
8.34sThat's right, Tom. It was 10 years ago that an almost inconceivable plot to destroy the World Trade Center was thwarted by Quahog's own, Brian Griffin.
5.12sThis amateur video captured Griffin's heroism in the face of a shadowy terrorist organization called,