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2.62sWell, here we are.
3.64sThat's odd. It's our house, but somehow it looks a little different.
1.7sMEG: Mom, my lips are too thin.
1.9sCan I please get collagen injections?
2.17sMeg, you don't need to change the way you look.
3.5sYou know, most of the world's problems stem from poor self-image.
1.82sOh, my God, what's with Meg's voice?
2.87sShe sounds like someone who's about to give up a huge opportunity.
1.43sThat's nothing. Look at you.
2.75sYou look like a prize at some Mexican church carnival.
2.9sExcellent. The mind-control device is nearing completion.
1.65sI recall this day.
2.87sYou know, I actually think this might be my first memory.
2.6sStewie, I said no toys at the table.
0.97sDamn you, vile woman!
3.52sYou've impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb.
1.7sOh, don't pout, honey.
1.6sYou know, when you were born,
3.27sthe doctor said you were the happiest-looking baby he'd ever seen.