4.9sAnd now the thrilling conclusion of Colonel Dracula joins the Navy.
1.9sUh, Colonel?
3.24sLisa, what in the heck are you doing?
1.93sOh. It's for my junior Achievers Club.
2.17sWe're trying to earn money by recycling.
1.73sAh, recycling is useless, Lise.
2.14sOnce the sun burns out, this planet is doomed.
3.2sYou're just making sure we spend our last days using inferior products.
2.13sWell, I think it's a great idea.
4.14sMom, Mom! You're mixing polyethylene with polyurethane.
1.84sWell, I'm sorry!
3.64sAnd you have to cut these up first, otherwise animals get caught in them.