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2.14sYou stole our friends' life forces.
3.62sAh, yes. I warned the robot, but he wouldn't listen.
3.2sYou see, I was once like the rest of my species,
4.3sshowing my face to one planet, draining its life force and moving on.
3.9sBut when I got to Earth, I found a different kind of prey.
1.63sExplain. Oh!
2.35sYou Earthlings worship celebrity with such fervor
3.44sthat I can survive simply by milking your admiration.
4.67sMilking and milking it through what we actors call "the process."
2.64sOh, God, just kill us already.
4.4sBut you all discovered my secret. And for that, you will pay.
1.23sLook at me! If we do,
2.64swill you stop talking about the process?