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2sZoidberg, no!
6.71s(MUTTERING ANGRILY) Oh, thank God, Professor. You got here just in time.
1.78sFARNSWORTH: I've seen this before.
2.7sLangdon Cobb must be from Bryoria Six,
2.5shome of the quantum lichen people.
1.9sWell, that explains that.
4.65sThey're attention parasites. They feed on the admiration of their prey.
1.63sJust like the noble buffalo.
1.64sNothing like a buffalo.
3.6sAnyone who pays attention to the lichen is unknowingly feeding it.
3.25sBut gaze upon its face, even in a photograph,
5.22sand your very life force will be sucked out, leaving you a flaccid husk.
2.1sSo the picture robbed them of their souls?
4.49sSouls? Don't be ridiculous. It's their life forces that have been stolen.
1.4sIt's scientific.