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3.57sAll right, now, next up, we've got the comedy stylings of Kim Lee Sung!
1.37sGive it up!
1.87sHow you doing tonight?
4.57sSo you ever notice when two black guy come in your convenience store and one go one way and one go the other way,
1.33swhat they doing? What they stealing?
1.37sWho with me?
4.3s(AUDIENCE BOOING) You stay out my store! All you stay out my store.
1.57sI remember you face.
1.9sPeter, I want you to retype those...
2.74sWow. What is this? Have you been cleaning?
2.24sYep, I'm working extra hard so you'll promote me.
1.6sWell, based on your track record,
2.23syou'll understand if I have trouble believing you.
3.14sBelieve it, Angela. I hate being just a cog around here.
2.77sAlmost as much as I hate homeless people asking me for money.