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3.35sDad, relax. Just enjoy the sunset.
4.57sHey, I know that song. My dad used to play that when I was a boy.
4.04s- It's beautiful. - Do you play?
4.9sNo. I guess musical talent skips a generation, like diabetes.
1.72sYou might want to watch out for that too.
4.62sMom, I had the best time. Can Dad come in for milk and cookies?
2.75sWhy I'd love to-- Ohh!
2.13sOskar Homolka!
1.75sThat's okay.
3.9sI think I'll go somewhere friendlier, like beautiful downtown Grozny.
2.24sMy little girl's sharp as a tack.
4.14sI tried the "got your nose" bit on her, didn't fool her for a second.
2.95sMy uncle still has my nose.
2.23sHmm? Ohh, ohh, ohh!