3.17sOh, it's Burt Reynolds and Michael Jeter!
3.42sCould an Evening Shade reunion be in the works?
2.13sThere's Shannen Doherty.
3.2s- Didn't you have a thing with her?
- Don't go there!
3.47sUllman shorts, Christmas show Marge's fling, Homer's bro
3.15sBart in well, Flanders fails Whacking snakes, monorail
3.19sMr. Plow, Homer space Sideshow Bob steps on rakes
3.07sLisa's future, Selma's hubby Marge not proud Homer chubby
3.24sHomer worries Bart is gay Poochie, U2, NRA
3.4sHippies, Vegas and Japan Octuplets and Bart's boy band
2.99sMarge murmurs, Maude croaks Lisa Buddhist, Homer tokes