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3.07sWe'll help you through
3.39sWith news and sports and weather
12.88sWe'll always be together We're with you through it all Channel Five Holy shit, that just turned out awful. Joyce, do your thing.
4.8sThanks, Tom. Pornography. The very word conjures up images of red-light districts,
2.07sunprotected sex, and of course,
2.4sthe turn-of-the-century pornograph machine.
1.07sWhoa, ho, ho!
1.37sSweet Mary!
4.07sBut it seems pornography has finally found its way to our neighborhood.
9.23sYes, local housewife and church organist Lois Griffin has revealed to this reporter that she appeared in a pornographic movie back in the early 1980s.
2.55sWhat? Mom, that's you!
3.5sBoy, that black bar would be a lot lower now, huh? Huh?