1.66sWell, duh day, son.
5.76sLook, I love you, Marty, but we both know you're not as fast as the other kids, and if you want to compete in this world,
1.87syou got to work twice as hard.
1.33sAw, geez, Dad.
2.83sY-you know, that's a lot to drop on a kid all at once.
2.47sMarty, t-tell your parents the square root of Pi,
1.37sOh, come on, Rick.
0.99sYou know I can't.
1.06sThe square root of Pi, Marty -- go.
1.33sWhat the hell?
1.56sHoly crap. He's right.
1.9sMarty, tell your parents the first Law of
4.83s"The increment in the internal energy of a system is equal to the increment of heat supplied to the system."
1.8sWow! I'm so smart!
1.26sBut --
0.9sI told the both of you --