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2.97s(GAGGING) At least there's only one of them.
2.57sThe good news is, they can't start breeding.
4.64sThe bad news, everyone, is, the beast reproduces asexually.
1.65sA single bone vampire,
4.17sleft alone with some quiet music and some bone vampire porn,
2.64scould produce dozens of deadly offspring.
2.79sThat lucky bastard. I say kill it!
2.04sBut it loves me, and I love it!
0.93sKill them both!
1.57sKilling them seems like a hassle.
2.74sCan't we just set it free to live with its own kind?
1.93sPoor, ignorant Leela.
3.42sThe bone vampire is now extinct on its home planet.
1.5s(GASPS) That's perfect.
3.67sWe can reintroduce it to the wild and repopulate the species.
2.8sYeah, let's do those Leela things!