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1.49sI thought you were named Angus.
1.5sWe're all named Angus.
2.67sPlease, Mr. Peppy won't attack your livestock.
3.02sHe's a vegetarian, and he's not even preachy about it.
2.5sPoppycock. Once he gets the smell of bones,
5.07sthere'll be no stopping him. Tonight, Mr. Peppy must die.
3.07sAngus, wait, my strictly platonic friend is right.
2.89sAt least wait a few days before you decide to kill it.
4.3sThe last time I hesitated, a bone vampire snicked out me left shin.
2.28sPlease, just a few days.
3.35sWell, it would give us a chance to get to know each other.
3.29sThe beast lives for now.
1.18sThank you, Angus.
1.7sYou're welcome!
2.13sI don't trust that MacZongo.
2.17sMaybe I should go keep an eye on Mr. Peppy.
1.8sDon't worry about MacZongo.
3.87sHe and I are having brunch tomorrow. I'm thinking of wearing this.