2.37sGo to hell, fathead! Have I used that one?
1.47sNo, I haven't. Yeah, fathead.
1.84sDaddy, don't talk to Peter like that.
2.04sAll you've done his whole life is treat him like crap,
1.5sand now he's offering to help you.
1.47sThe least you can do is be grateful.
1.17sOh, all right.
1.6sThen it's settled. You're staying with us.
1.23sI promise you'll love it here,
2.47seven more than Julia Roberts loves herself.
2.37sHi, I'm Julia Roberts.
2.47sYou know, a lot of people died in the tsunami.
2.27sBut don't worry. I didn't.
6.14sAnd I'll be here to entertain you and love my life for many, many years to come.