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2.82sThen I'll have the sweet and sour rice.
1.5sOh, very good.
3.5sWould you like that with, uh, fragrant bee bellies or the cat noses?
1.58sNeither, thank you.
2.32sIs there any way we can enhance your dining experience...
1.93sby hurting an animal?
1.7sFortune cookies!
2.35sAh. And now to read my fortune.
2.37s"Geese can be troublesome."
2.43sWhat the hell is that supposed to mean?
3.44sOh, fortune means geese cause problems.
2.94sWell, I knew that before I came in here.
2.44sA guy outside told me that.
3.07s"Every house has a bathroom."
2.32sOh, these fortunes are terrible!
3.05sIs there a problem? These fortunes are terrible.
5.04sThey're supposed to predict stuff and ease you through times of doubt and sickness.
4.64sWell, with all due respect, sir, I suppose you could come up with better fortune?
0.48sHuh. Easy.