2.47sI'll help him figure out that he's straight.
2sOh, that was really close.
1.6sHey, Chris, you mind if I sit here?
1.2sNo, of course not.
2.2sWe were just having a political discussion.
2.69sBill's, uh, kind of conservative.
2.1sHey, you know, it was really cool meeting you the other night.
1.83sI was thinking maybe we should hang out sometime.
2.97sSure. I sleep for, like, six hours every day after school,
1.97sbut other than that, I'm pretty open.
1.13sWell, great, then we should definitely...
1.5sOh, hey, Meg.
2.69sListen, I hope you're okay after the other night.
2.62sYeah, no, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Kent.