1.4sI know, so weird.
2.03sBut, you know, the heart wants what the heart wants.
2.65sI just hope it doesn't cause awkwardness, you know, in the house.
1.19sOh, no, it doesn't have to be awkward,
1.4snot if we don't make it awkward.
1.38sI just don't see the attraction.
1.87sI mean, is it all about that big package?
1.9sBig? You really think so?
1.57sAre you kidding? Biggest in the family.
2.23sThat thing should be hanging from the ceiling of a deli.
1.13sThanks, Brian.
1.74sAm I the only one who feels like grabbing a drink?
2.4sHey, do you think this picture is hot?
1.18sKind of, yeah.
2.17sWell, guess what, that's my back.
1.73sHook up with me! Come on!
1.27sWe can make this work.