1.37sOh, boy, Morty.
3.36sUsually, walking down the courthouse steps is the easy part of the adventure.
1.16sWhat do you say, Marty?
2.3sI say give me a hand, sidekick.
1.99sEverybody shut up!
1.13sLet me try!
0.97sI'm going out.
1.06sWait. What?
1.59sWell, you're busy. I'm hungry.
1.33sI thought I'd go out.
1.87sDo you want me to be happy or do you want me to be in prison?
1.33sWhoa, whoa, where in the hell is --
2.06sI'll take you to dinner.
1.3sHey, you know what?
1.09sIt's hard being me, too.
1.47sI'll be right there.
1.47sLook, I've got a marriage to keep together.
2.9sAt this point, my golf swing is more your problem than mine.