1.66sHey, look, we get it.
1.3sYou're little, you're down on your luck, you think,
1.43s"Hey, he's a giant.
1.93sWhy don't we break into his home, rob him, and murder him?"
1.83sTh-th-- but that's not how it went down!
1.73sOh, well, it's going down like that.
1.7sYou're both going down like that.
2.33sOoh, boy, Morty, you're really showing me how it's done.
1.66sReal straight fonIvard and fun.
3.83sLike, letting go ofthe need to be popular is what makes people like you.
2.59sThe most important love you can receive is from yourself.
2.73sOkay, Jerry, you got to just choke up on the club!