2.08sWho ordered all these old-timey cars?
4.34sThe inhabitants of Simian 7, the Planet of the Apes,
3.7sand monkeys and tarsiers and several lemurs.
2.39sAll primates, really.
1.49sHey, guys.
2.24sWe just stopped by to tell you we're taking some vacation days.
2.78sNo, you're not! You've got to go on this delivery!
1.34sBut we've earned these days off.
2.2sWe're not cattle, we're human beings.
1.82sYou're human beings?
2.47sGood Lord, you can't go on this delivery.
2.87sHumans are forbidden on the Planet of the Primates!
1.9sOkay, then. See you in a week!