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4.77sLike those fingerprints. They could have gotten on the gun some other way.
2.27sAre you sure you don't want me to hold one of your ice-cream cones?
2sYeah, right.
2.23sYou chose fruit. You live with fruit.
4.27sD'oh! YOu-- Oh! No. No. No.
2.87sEww! Why is this on the floor?
2.5sAnd we don't even know whose gun that was.
3.4sMaybe somebody planted it there to frame Dad.
3.77sNo. We can't start thinking that way about our own family members.
2.47sSuspicion could tear us apart.
3.67sThat's right. We all gotta stick together...
4.44sif we're gonna have any hope of bringing that awful Homer to justice.
4.44sHere is a photo of the fugitive from our files.
4.44sAnd now Waylon Smithers, who's been a real good sport about that wrongful arrest thing--
3.04shas a statement that he would like to make.
1.97s- Waylon. - Thank you.
3.4sAs Montgomery Burns's closest friend, I'm certain there is nothing he would want more...