2.77sDiane, I'm going to take my break now.
3.07sHi, everybody!
1.87sHo... mer Simp... son.
1.83sOkay, that was a little strange.
3.17sUm, tell me, how you feeling today?
2.27sHomer... Simpson. Homer.
1.97sD'oh, Simpson.
4.17sWhen you were in that coma, did you feel your brain getting damaged?
3.04sThe police have such a strong case against Homer.
2.1sMr. Burns said he did it. They have Homer's D.N.A.
3.17sThey have Simpson D.N.A. It could have come from any of us.
1.73sExcept you, since you're a Bouvier.
2.24sNo, no, no, when I took your father's name,
2.74sI took everything that came with it, including D.N.A.
3.1sOkay, Mom. Anyway, my point is...